Ella — A Very Grand Mountain Christmas

Where’s the Grinch?

“Leo, I said straight! Do I need to grab a level? Is your trained eye not good enough?” I say to my boyfriend as he tries and fails to hang some extra decorations for tonight's festivities.

“Darling, I was only wondering if this was where you wanted it. I was going to straighten it after.”

Oh. “Yes, that’s fine where it is. But make sure it’s straight or else!” I say as I put out an assortment of cheese, crackers, and salami for our charcuterie board.

It’s Christmas Eve, and of course I’m hosting. Leo has been helping me set up for the past few days, and even though he still manages to push my buttons, he’s a great helper.

He steps off the ladder and cages me into my kitchen counter where I’m trying to make a salami flower. He leans down to whisper in my ear, his voice low and fucking addictive. “Or else what, Ella?”

I take a deep breath as he peppers kisses down my neck. “You’ll find out later if my decorations don't look perfect.”

“Oh, I hope I find out.” I spin around and capture his lips in a quick kiss.

“Can you please make yourself useful and make sure the living room is all set?” He continues to kiss down my neck. I even feel a few bites here and there. “If you mark me before our friends come over, I will end you.”

“And what a noble ending that would be.” He presses one more kiss to my forehead before he concedes. “I’ll make sure it’s perfect, darling. I promise.”

A few minutes later as I’m done making salami flowers and setting up all the food, I hear a few knocks at my door. I’m a hundred percent sure that it’s Paige and Oliver, based on the speed of the knocks. I hear Leo open it and greet whoever it is, and I hear Paige’s squeal from my kitchen. “Leo! How wonderful to see you again!”

“Hi, Paige. I absolutely love your outfit. Very festive.” He pauses for a second. “Birthday boy, nice to see you again.”

I laugh as I hear him call Oliver that. Ever since Leo has wormed his way into my life, he’s had a hard time remembering everyone's names. He knows the girls and Grant well, but for some reason Oliver’s name always seems to slip his mind.

I think it’s fucking hilarious. Oliver does not share the same sentiment—especially since Leo apparently flirted with Paige at the Halloween party a few years ago. 

Paige’s bright smiling face finds me in the kitchen, and before I get a single word out, she throws her arms around me and squeezes. “Ella! I’ve missed you so damn much!”

“I missed you too, P. Where’s the Grinch?”

“He’s talking to Leo.” She says as she pulls back. “I brought wine and tequila! I know you told us not to bring anything, but I wanted to. Plus, you always host, so it only feels fair to help out a little bit.”

“Ugh, I love you so much. Have you talked to the others? Are they on their way?” I ask, wondering when Hads and Grant are going to get here. Grant is good at diffusing awkward situations, and Leo has been nervously pacing about this get-together for days.

The two of them come into the room, and when Oliver sees Paige, his features soften. I might give him shit every now and then, but he loves my girl like she deserves, so I’m thankful for him.

“Merry Christmas, you guys. Grant and my sister are on the way. They got stuck in traffic.”

“Ah. I was surprised they didn't beat you here. If Grant’s driving, I bet he’s flooring it to get here and see Leo.” I laugh before I look at Leo, his face all confused. It’s funny how he doesn't realize how obsessed Grant is with him and his accent. 

“Ol, can you go grab the presents from where I set them and put them under the tree?” Paige asks him. He doesn't say anything, but instead he presses a kiss to her head, and leaves the kitchen. “So, Ells, where is Alissa? Is she still back home?”

“Yes, my dear sister is spending some time with her friends back home and keeping an eye on my dad.” Leo says, a pang of something in his tone. Leo’s Dad went through some health stuff at the end of November, and it shook him up. I’m glad his dad is okay, but I know it kills him to be in the states sometimes.

“That’s too bad. I haven't seen her in a while, and I wanted an update on that guy she was seeing!”

“Same! After she told me about that horrible text conversation with him, I was surprised she even went out with the guy, but she did say he had a huge—”

“Darling, if we could refrain from talking about who my sister is shagging at the moment, that would be much appreciated.” 

Oliver comes back into the room just as he says that. “I’d say you get used to it, but you don't. Knowing about my sister and Grant’s sex life is enough to keep me up at night.”

“Oliver, don’t act like a prude. Hads and Grant have definitely heard us having sex a few times. Especially when I lived with you all summer.” Paige smirks over at him.

“Oh, we definitely heard you guys. Oliver is for sure a power bottom.” Grant’s voice infiltrates the room. 

“I didn't even hear you guys knock.” I say as I go over to hug him. Before I can, I notice his outfit, and burst out laughing.

“What the fuck are you wearing?” I ask him.

“That’s an…interesting ensemble.” Leo says.

All I hear from Paige is enough laughter to make certain that she falls from her seat at my counter, and Oliver is just confused as always.

“I’m Carter Claus! It is Christmas, after all. Someone had to be Santa.” He smiles before setting his giant bag down. He’s wearing a fake beard, a Santa outfit, and I’m pretty sure he dyed his hair gray. “Hads, get in here!”

“No.” I hear her sternly say. “I cannot believe I let you talk me into this.”

“Oh fucking hell. What did you do to my sister, pretty boy?” 

“He turned me into Mrs. Claus.” Hads says as she steps into the room wearing a silver wig, big boots, wire framed glasses, and what appears to be a female version of Grant’s outfit. 

I hear Paige clicking her camera at them, wanting to remember this moment for a long time. Only Grant could make Hads do this, and I’m thankful he did.

“I feel like an old woman.” Hads’ boots click across my floor as she sits next to Paige. “You get this from me for one hour. I’m setting a timer.”

“Dinner is almost ready, so why don't we eat and then do presents?” I say, wanting this moment to last forever.

I’ve always loved hosting our get togethers, especially now that all of us are done with college. It was a long road to get to where we all are now, but I’m always grateful that we can all spend time together.

Well, most of us. Amelia is still in another country, but she promised to call while we’re all together so we can chat.

Sometimes it sucks that we’re all not living in the same radius as we used to when we were in college, but moments like these are what I cherish now. Planning time to be together as adults is hard as fuck, and after the fucking year Leo and I have had, this has been needed. Planning things like these calms me down in some weird way. I think I just thrive in the chaos of checking things off of my to-do list. 

“So, how has everyone been? And did you guys get my email invite for Hads’ themed birthday extravaganza?” Grant asks as he takes a bite of a cracker. “Damn, that’s good.”

“I’m sorry, my what?” Hads cocks her head at him.

“Hades, I’m just trying to get a headcount. Jacks and Claire already promised that they would come as Odysseus and Penelope.”

“Oh dear god, what theme are you doing? Greek Gods?” Hads asks as I hear Paige laughing. Leo just throws a look at me, very confused because Grant sent me the email and invited both of us since he doesn't have Leo’s email.

“I’m telling everyone to dress as their favorite Greek God except for Hades and Persephone, obviously.”

“Does that make you Persephone, pretty boy?” Oliver laughs, fully laughs, and I swear a volcano just erupted somewhere.

“Yes. Hads is Hades, of course, so I get to be the lovely Persephone who Hades traps in the Underworld.” Grant smiles as bright as can be. Only he would get excited about being tethered to someone against his will. I’m a hundred percent sure he would follow Hads to the depths of Hell willingly.

“Oliver, I promised we would go as Orpheus and Eurydice. I’ve already started getting fabric for our costumes.”

“Okay, love. I’ll wear whatever you make me.” He throws his arm around her shoulder, and Paige leans into him.

I feel Leo come behind me and brace his arms on the counter, and just the sight of those hands is making me remember all the things he can do with them. “And who do you think we should go as?”

“I will let you know as soon as I figure it out.”

“Don't make me torture you for information, Ells. You wont like what I do.” He whispers only for me to hear, and before I get too flustered in front of our friends, I change the subject. “Let’s eat, and we can talk more about this. Grant, you know how I love a themed party.”

“Of course I do, Ells. I’m going to need help with the decorations, so I’ll need your expertise.”

“Ugh, this is why you’re my favorite.”

“Darling, that better be a joke.” Leo quips from the oven as he pulls out the food.

“It was!” I exclaim back to him, but as Grant sits across from me at the table, I shake my head at him, and the two of us laugh.

I missed this.


All of us have congregated in the living room after dinner, and as Christmas music plays softly in the background, we all open our presents. We’ve all done presents with our significant others already, so these are purely just friend presents. 

“Okay, do mine next!” I say as I hand out the gift bags to everyone. I love giving gifts to my best friends to show my love for them. Gift giving is most certainly my love language. I just love them all so much, and giving them things I know they’ll love brings me a joy that I can't explain.

Hads and Paige go first, and when they each pull out an annotated copy of their favorite book, I hear Paige practically squeak. 

“Ella, this is the book we became friends over!” I hear her voice strain as tears flood her eyes. “This book is over 700 pages! How did you do this?”

“I gave blood, sweat, and tears, babe. But it felt necessary.” 

“Thank you, Ells. I love it so much!”

“Hads, that book felt perfect for annotating, so feel free to add it to your collection.” Hads and I are obsessed with this one book that got turned into a movie. I think we’ve watched it about a hundred times, including a few together, and I had to annotate it for her. It’s about a prince from England and the first son of the United States falling in love. We have a problem with this book and our obsession, but neither of us cares. The book and movie are pure perfection.

“I could scream and or cry. It’s perfect! I can’t wait to add it to my collection!” Hads says as her and Paige come over to hug me. 

“We love you, Ells.” Paige says through sniffles.

“I love you guys too.” I smile back at them.

Grant goes next, and when he opens his gift, he screams—like, full body screams. “Is this the collector's edition box set of One Tree Hill? Oh my fucking god, Ella, where did you find this?”

“It’s a secret, but I know how upset you were that it’s no longer on streaming, so I figured this was perfect.” Hads and I both love the show, and Grant got hooked when he watched it while he took care of Hads when she was sick. It was before they started dating, but that night caused an obsession for him and the show, so when I saw this on eBay, I clicked buy immediately.

“I love you as much as Lucas loves Haley in season one.”

“I love you too, pretty boy.” I chuckle as Leo’s eyebrows shoot up. Leo will never understand our obsession, and that’s okay. He watches reality TV with me and Alissa anytime it’s on, but he could never get into a long show. He’s more of a movie guy, or reality TV with some drama.

“Oliver, you’re up.” I say as he looks at the box in his hands. Oliver is without a doubt the hardest to shop for—for everyone except Paige. We all know that he loves anything she gets him, but the rest of us are shit out of luck. Besides brooding, Oliver doesn't have many hobbies, but I think I did okay this year.

He opens it and I see a smirk pop up on his face. “Really?”

“Well at least this time there’s no danger or possible arrests that could happen.”

“Are you guys ever going to let the fact that I was in holding go? I’ve told you a thousand times that I was never actually in jail.”

“Whatever you say, Shawshank.” Grant laughs, and the rest of us join besides Oliver.

“Oh come on, babe. An unsolved case file sounds fun! It’s like we’re headed back to our roots!” Paige’s cheerful disposition tries to soften Oliver’s hard expression.

“Fine. Thank you, Ella, for a much safer way for us to solve a crime.” 

“You’re very welcome, Detective Baker.” I say back.

And for the rest of the night, we laugh, smile, and even shed a few tears as another Christmas Eve comes and goes. It’s been a year full of ups and downs, new relationships budding and old ones thriving. 

Tomorrow, I’ll head over to my Dad’s house for Christmas with him and my sister for our usual family get together. Leo will be tagging along as well, which I’m excited for. My last girlfriend couldn't handle all of my dad’s insane questions, but I have no doubt Leo will do just fine during his interrogation.

But tonight, as I sit here surrounded by my chosen family, I know it’s exactly where I’m meant to be, and I wouldn't trade it for the world.

It’s crazy how something as simple as books can bring people together, and I’ll forever be grateful for the power that words have.

Best Christmas ever.


June 11th, 2022

“So, your parents like me? Right?” 

“Grant, for the one-thousandth time, yes. They might even like you more than me. Stop asking and start paddling.” Oliver tells me as he swims away on his board.

“I’m just triple-checking! I want to make a good impression!” I tell him, and I do. Meeting the parents of someone you love is terrifying, and my mom always told me that a good first impression is important because you can never make another one. So naturally, I have to make sure. Although, them liking me over Oliver was something I never saw coming.

They’re all so much alike that it initially scared me a little. Now I think it’s kind of funny.

“Grant, you brought gifts and have been helping around the house. I walked into the guest room, and you were vacuuming yesterday. Stop worrying so much.” Oliver grumbles at me while he splashes me with water. Oliver and I have been getting up early every morning to go surfing. Hads sits on the beach and takes photos while we surf. Ol has been teaching me, well, trying to teach me how to surf, but it’s not going very well. There haven't been many waves this morning, though. The ocean has been calm, so we chatted while out here. Well, I’ve been talking. Oliver just listens. He’s good at listening, and I think I’m slowly cracking his outer shell. I’m starting to get more than one sentence out of him. 

“I’m sorry, I’ll stop. But only if you promise to get better at teaching me how to do this. At this rate, I won’t know how to surf before I go back to Vermont, which was on my bucket list for the summer. You know I hate failing at things, but this one would be on you, just so you know.” I throw him a wink, and he just stares at me.

“Of course, you have a fucking bucket list. Also, I’m a phenomenal teacher, so shut the fuck up.” 

“Damn, I used to think you were a morning person. Now I’m reconsidering that statement.” He glares at me again, and I look at Hads on the beach. I throw her a wave, and she waves back at me, her camera in her left hand. She’s been documenting our summer vacation so far, and that camera has been attached to her hip. I’m excited to possibly make a scrapbook out of all the adventures we’ve gone on this summer–if she’ll let me get good enough paper to do that. I’m also equally excited to show her my hometown in Vermont. I’m still teaching her how to skate and cannot wait to do that at my home rink. The one my dad and I used to skate at. I’m excited to share all these bits and pieces of my life with her. 

If I could talk to my past self, no part of me would envision being here. Here with Hads, and even Oliver, learning to surf and exploring California with the girl I love and one of my new best friends.

It’s crazy how much your life can change in just a few months.

“Hey, hockey boy, try this coming wave.” Oliver snaps at me and brings me back into focus. I look behind us, and sure enough, a wave is coming. I start to paddle beside him, and by the time it reaches us, I see him up on the board, and I even get up for a few seconds before losing my balance and falling into the ocean. I breach the water's surface and grab my board before heading toward where my girlfriend sits on the sand. I drop beside her, and she hands me a towel.

“You almost had that one.” She smiles at me. “By next week, you’ll be a natural.”

“You would think he would know how to balance himself, but I guess not,” Oliver says as he drops onto his towel and shakes the water out of his hair.

“Okay listen, it’s a lot different than skating. If Hads were teaching me I would already be a pro.”

“Well, my sister doesn't enjoy it as much as I do, and I taught her how to surf. Looks like you're stuck with me.” He smirks condescendingly at me, and I flip him off.

“Oliver, it’s a pleasure to be stuck with you. Maybe our next outing could be an escape room!” I smile at him, and he just gets up and walks toward the parking lot, the board in one hand and the towel in the other. I turn to where Hads is standing and try to hug her, but she stiff-arms me.

“Grant, you’re all wet. Take your wetsuit off, and then I’ll hug you.” I tilt my head at her. “What! It’s a new skirt!” I smirk at her, and she goes on the offensive because she knows damn well what I’m about to do, and then she grabs her stuff and takes off running. I immediately follow her. I’ll always chase her; she knows that by now. Fortunately for me, she hates running, and my long stride reaches her in a few seconds. I grab her from behind and lift her into my embrace. She fights me for a second, as always. Eventually, I put her down, and she rolls her eyes at me. “You’re going to iron this for me when we get back.”

“Oh, I know. I don't mind though, anything just to hold you for a few seconds.” Her stern embrace softens slightly, and she clicks her camera at my face. “What was that for?”

“You looked cute, and I wanted to remember this moment.” 

When she says that, I kiss her for a few seconds. Every time our lips touch, I silently thank whoever the fuck allowed me to love this girl as I do right now. This summer has contained some of my favorite memories, and being able to do it beside her and even Oliver has been amazing. I feel happiness bloom from my chest like nothing could top these moments, big or small. They're all equally important and memorable to me. Plus, I’d never been to the West Coast before this. Being able to experience that for the first time with Hads is something I’ll never forget. 

“I’m thinking I should change your nickname, Hades. You do have a heart, after all,” I smile at her, making fun of how she told me to get lost when I originally gave her that nickname. I bet she's glad I was so persistent. I always take full credit when she explains how we got together, and naturally, she likes to fight me on that one detail. I wouldn't expect anything less, but she forgot I was the one who needed her help, not the other way around. Therefore, one point for me. Or a million. Either way I always win, but sometimes I concede because I like seeing her face when she thinks she won.

“Don't.” She tells me.

“Oh, are we liking that nickname now? I thought you, what did you say that one time, you loathed being compared to someone as horrible as the God of the Underworld? Did I get that right?” I’ve started to crowd her personal space, and she just looks up at me, fire in her eyes, as always. 

“It might have grown on me a little bit. I still dislike it.”

“Of course you do, but I’ll never stop calling you that because it reminds me of how far we’ve come.” I press my lips to hers again, and Oliver is honking the car horn at us when we pull back, breaking us apart. He does this every fucking morning. He told me a few days ago that he hates PDA, so whenever he honks at us, I kiss Hads again to push his buttons. I can't wait until some girl brings Oliver to his knees one day, and I get to make fun of him for PDA-ing all over the place. I doubt it will happen anytime soon, but a guy can dream. 

Hads grabs her bag and camera, and I get all my shit and shove it into my backpack. I grab her hand, and the two of us jog up to where Oliver is waiting with his car, a black jeep wrangler. He’s leaning against his car on his phone, and when he looks up and sees us, he rolls his eyes.

“Oliver, calm down. Let’s get coffee or something. My treat, okay?” Hads throws her bag in the back seat, and Oliver grunts at her.

One grunt in Oliver's language means yes.

Guess we’re going for coffee.

Oliver orders a straight black coffee, Hads gets a heart attack in a cup, and I get my usual pink drink from the Starbucks around the corner from where we surf. 

“Baby, I don't know how you always drink those. If I had three espresso shots, I think it would kill me.” She gets the same thing everywhere we go, and I asked her once why she never branched out to other things, only to get a smack on the hand and a stern reply from her. She told me it was because if she knows something is good, why risk it? I just nodded at her. “Can I try it?”

“Sure, just don't keel over. I would hate for Oliver to have to drive you to the hospital if you do end up having a heart attack.” She hands me her cup, and I smirk at her.

“I’m sure Oliver wouldn't hesitate to save me, right buddy?” I slap his shoulder, and he glares at me while I take a sip.

“Well, I guess we’ll find out.” He says while leaning back in his chair. Hads’ phone buzzes a few times while we sit at our table. “Jesus, Hads, tell the girls to chill the fuck out for once.” Oliver tries to grab her phone off the table but is too slow.

“How do you know it's them? I have other friends, you know.” Both Oliver and I tilt our heads at her because, of course, it’s the girls. Those four are so attached at the hip that they talk daily while school isn't in session. “Okay, fine, it’s them, minus Paige.”

“Why the fuck do you have a chat without Paige in it?” Oliver questions.

“Yeah, is something going on with you all? Are the girls fighting? Oh God, this is my worst nightmare.” I can't imagine those girls ever breaking apart. They love each other too much.

“Calm down, geez. It’s without Paige because we’re trying to plan a surprise trip for her birthday this year. Amelia made this chat so we could iron out all the details without her knowing. Why do you care so much?” She asks us.

“I don't,” Oliver says, clearly lying, but I don't want to press him about it.  

“That sounds fun, babe. When is her birthday?”

Before Hads can answer, Oliver jumps in and answers. “June 30th.” Hads and I look at him. “What?”

“How did you know that?” She asks him.

“She mentioned it in class once.” Someone has a good memory…

“Ah, gotcha.” Hads sips her coffee and aggressively texts them back. 

“After that, you're coming to Vermont, right?” I double-check with her. We agreed to split the summer between our hometowns, but I would make an exception for Paige’s birthday. That girl deserves to celebrate with her favorite people, and I know a surprise like that would be awesome. I should ask Hads to video her reaction. I love watching those kinds of videos. They just make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. 

“Yes. I wouldn't dream of being anywhere else.” She smiles at me, and I lean over and kiss her, hearing Oliver grunt while I do, but I don't pull away. 

“I’m going to wait in the car.” Oliver gets up, shoves his chair, and dramatically walks out of Starbucks. I never knew he could be such a drama queen, but it's nice to see a little peek of his personality sometimes. It reminds me that he’s still human. I’ll get him to crack one day, just like I did with Hades. The Baker family isn't fond of talking about shit, they tend to hold it all in, but I’m one for two with the Baker siblings. I think before I leave California, I can crack Oliver. After all, I will live in the same building as him next year, so it’s not like he can avoid me forever.

“Ignore him. He’s been extra moody lately.” Hads smiles at me.

“Yeah, what is up with that?” I ask her, hoping she might have some insider knowledge of Oliver.

“No clue. But forget about him, how are you liking California? Is it everything you thought it would be?” 

“I love it. I love seeing where you grew up and spending time with your family.” I grab her hand from off the table and kiss it. “Thank you for letting me come along.”

“Of course. It’s been nice having you around. I don't hate it as much as I thought I would.”

“What does that mean? Did you think you would get sick of me that quickly?” I laugh at that because it’s very Hads to assume she would double back on her feelings. She took a big leap at the end of the semester, and I’m happy she did. But part of her was scared that she couldn't trust her feelings. I get it. I was scared to put myself out there too. But I think we both have a mutual feeling that only we understand. We both know what it feels like to lose trust in someone that was supposed to be faithful to you, but she knows that I would never do anything to hurt her. I am hers, and nobody can take that title away from me, especially when I wear it so proudly every day. 

“No, I just didn't want to drag your mood down with me, especially when I can be cold sometimes. I’m trying to be better about it.” She sighs. “You're just so good, and I’m me, I don't know. Just forget I said anything.”

“Baby, you should know I love you the way you are. I don't want you to be anybody else, okay? I want all the cold stares and slaps you will give me. Got it?”

“Got it.” She smiles at me. “Should we head back to the car, or do you think Oliver left without us?”

“I guess there’s only one way to find out.” I grab her hand and drag her out the front door, only to notice that Oliver’s car is no longer in the spot it was in before. He left us here. “Damn. I guess we’re walking.”

“Fine by me. Can we swing by the park so I can take some pictures?” 

“Of course we can, baby.”

She smiles at me as I interlace our hands. Together, the two of us walk toward our destination, smiling and discussing whatever comes to mind. 

This has been the best summer ever, and it's not over yet.

Every day with her is like an endless summer; I wouldn't trade it for the world.

Or an endless spring? 

That’s more like it. She is my spring, after all, my new beginning, the person I want to spend every season with. I’m glad I was failing that class because I would never be here right now without that.

I’ll forever be grateful that The Great Gatsby brought me to her. 

Books are powerful, and I’m glad Hads showed me that. We wouldn't be here without them, and as I look down at her, I know she’s it for me. I keep that to myself, though, and just smile at her. 

My girl.


August 10th, 2022

“I absolutely adored the small-town vibes of this book. It made me want to move to Montana immediately,” Amelia tells us. 

“I liked the mystery plot, and it's so funny that I guessed who the killer was.” Paige giggles over Facetime, and the rest of us don't act shocked because Paige guessing the mystery and being right about it happens 85% of the time. She’s scarily good at solving these things.

“P, that’s not a surprise to us. I enjoyed it all as well. I think I’d give it four stars.” Ella says, also through my computer. We have around two weeks until school starts, but we still have weekly book club every Wednesday over the summer. Even though we text every day, it helps us to stay in touch. But reading always helps to bring us together. It’s how we all met, and it’s the best part of my week when I can see them all staring back at me. It’s not the same as being in person, but it works well enough to stay connected from four parts of the world.

My favorite girls ever. 

“I, for one, loved that there was no third-act breakup. I was scared it was going that route, but thankfully it didn't. I would say four stars as well.” I tell them my thoughts while I get more comfortable in my bed. It’s been a few weeks since I returned from Vermont with Grant, and he’s still there, spending some time with his mom. He offered to come back to California with me, but I figured we could use some family time on our own before we returned to school in a few weeks. It’s around 6 PM here, which means it's 9 PM on the East Coast, so everyone else is also in pajamas. Paige even showed us her new fuzzy slippers that her friend from home, Sadie, got her. We met her when we surprised Paige for her birthday, and she was really nice. It’s easy to see how they became friends. That weekend was the only time we saw each other this summer since we were all so busy. Paige works two jobs over the summer, Ella is girl bossing at her current full-time job, Amelia has been busy on campus with some classes, and I’ve been galavanting around with Grant all summer. 

“I give it 4.25 stars. I liked all aspects of it.” Paige tells us.

“I’ll say four. I’m excited about the next one. The tropes look good from what I have seen.” Amelia tells us. 

“I’ll add all these to the summer reading chart I made. I think this one might be our top read.” I tell them while pulling my iPad out. I’m in charge of keeping a tracker of what we read and think of each book. I take that job very seriously, and I love that the girls let me go crazy over all the charts I make. They know I love doing it, and I love that they let me be myself. “So, does anyone else have any new stories to discuss? I’m sure I’m not the only one wanting to know what happened to that coworker you were talking about, Paige.” I tell her. 

“Oh, right! He left a post-it note and walked out in the middle of his shift. He quit, but nobody could prove that he wrote it, and it was a whole mess. It was definitely the first time I had ever seen anything like that happen. He was a little weird, but overall a good kid. I told Sadie what happened, and she felt bad for me.”

“Well, yeah, I do too! You were left all by yourself in the middle of a shift. He sucks.” Ella tells her.

“I know, but I just turned my music on and cleaned up. It was honestly a good night overall.” Paige smiles at us.

“What playlist were you listening to?” Amelia asks her.

“I made one specifically for work. It’s mostly chill music.”

“Did you add that one song I sent you the other day? That one was chill and work-appropriate.” Amelia takes music very seriously. She often sends us songs throughout the day that she listens to. Yesterday she sent us Summertime Sadness by Lana Del Ray because she missed us. But of course, she would never outright say that. She practically shows her feelings through music, but we can all speak her language by now. We do this every other day when one of us sends a text, and we all send 3 or 4 songs describing our mood or how our days have been. We call it a ‘music vibe check.’ It’s one of my favorite traditions the four of us have. 

“So, he just left a post-it note? Saying what?” I ask her.

“I quit.” 

“That’s lame. I was hoping for something more dramatic, like a fuck you.” Ella tells us.

“Especially if you quit somewhere, that is the perfect time for dramatics. He should have thrown something or made a grand exit.” I tell them. 

“He didn't seem like the type to do that anyway, he was just a kid who was feeling lost, and I get that. I know the feeling,” Paige tells us, and now I feel bad. “But it doesn't matter. Does anyone else have any other stories?” She smiles at us, shifting the focus away from what she just said.

“I made a really good sandwich the other day,” Amelia tells us. That’s another thing I love about us. We’re all really passionate about a good sandwich. We always send food pictures back and forth to each other, like the other day, Paige made mac and cheese, and she sent us a picture. I started drooling over my coffee. It looked so good, and we basically forced her to send us the recipe.

“Ooh! Do tell. What was on it?” Ella asks her.

“It was simple—ham, cheese, mayo, lettuce, salt, and pepper.”

“That sounds good,” I say to her.

“It was pretty simple, but you can never go wrong with that.” She smiles at us. I love how passionate we are about the little things in life. It makes me appreciate our friendship that much more. 

“Ells, have you seen Alissa at all lately? How is she doing?” Paige asks her.

“She’s alright. She went back to England to visit her family, so I’ve been going out alone lately. It’s been interesting, to say the least.” She winks at us, and we all know what that means.

“Iconic of you,” Paige tells her.

“It’s what you deserve,” I say.

“Have you spoken to a certain someone lately, Ells?” Amelia asks her, and we all go silent. Zimmerman, Alissa’s brother, is not a great topic to bring up around Ella, but Amelia likes to stir the pot. She’s our resident emotional manipulator but in a good way. It’s tasteful.

“No, and if I have it my way, I’ll never speak to him again.”

“Like, never?” Paige asks.

“I don't blame her. After the way he was up in her face at the bar last semester, I wouldn't want to talk to him.” I tell them.

“Valid point,” Amelia says. 

“He’s just a cocky, arrogant asshole. The next time I speak to him will be in Hell.” 

I hear my door fly open as Oliver comes into my room. “Dinner’s ready.”

“Okay, I’ll be down in a second,” I tell him, shifting my laptop onto my bed.

“Hi, Oliver!” Paige says through the screen. 

“Always nice to hear you speak, Oliver,” Amelia tells him, and I laugh a little.

“Oliver,” Ella says.

“Hi girls and Amelia.” He says to them. “Sorry to take my sister from you, but I made dinner.”

“Ooh! What did you make?” Paige asks him. “I made mac and cheese the other day. Homemade!”

“I didn't know you liked cooking, Paige,” Oliver says, still not in view of my camera. “I just made lemongrass chicken and rice since our parents are at some work event.”

“I don't often cook. I mostly eat dinner at Sadie’s house, but I found this recipe on Pinterest I wanted to try.”

“That’s nice.” His mouth upturns only slightly when he says that. “Hads, the food’s getting cold.” Oliver glares at me.

“Geez, okay. I’ll be down in a minute.” I say to him as he twists on his feet and slams my door.

“Hads, make sure that chicken is fully cooked. Since when does Oliver like cooking? Does he just glare at raw chicken, and that’s all it takes to cook it?” Amelia makes a face, and the Amelia and Oliver pettiness war continues. I honestly think those two have fun pushing each other's buttons. 

“Amelia, no. Oliver has always liked to cook. Like I’ve said before, he doesn't share many parts of himself with people besides his family. And even then, it’s scarce.” I tell them. “But, I should go. I wouldn't want to keep the princess waiting.” The girls chuckle at that, and I almost don't want to end the call. I know I’ll see them in two weeks, but I miss them so much. I never thought I would have friends this close to me, but now I do, and I wouldn't trade them for the world. I’m broken out of my thoughts by Paige’s sniffling.

“P, what's wrong?” Ella asks her.

“I just miss you guys. It’s been a difficult few weeks, and I wish I could hug you guys through the screen.” She wipes a few tears from her eyes.

“Don't worry, Paigey. Only two more weeks, and then you won't be able to get rid of me.” I say to her.

“P, you could always come back early? I’m here anyway and would love to watch a documentary with you.” Amelia smiles at her.

“I cannot wait until we’re all back in the same state so I can drag you guys to the Hidden Bear again. I desperately miss you all and our nights out.” Ella tells us, and I do not doubt that she will force us to dress hot and go out the weekend we all get back. I find myself looking forward to it. I know I’m more of a stay-in-and-read kind of girl, but I’d do anything these three wanted as long as I’m with them. 

“That sounds fun, Ells,” I say to her.

“I’m holding you to that. Have a good night, you guys! Sleep well.” She blows us all an air kiss.

“I love you guys! I hope you all have the best night of sleep ever!” Paige smiles at us.

“Love you guys so much! I’m off to explore the Mariana Trench. I’ll see you in 10 to 14 business days!” Amelia waves at us.

“Ames, really?” Paige asks her, and I see Amelia just shrug and laugh.

“See you guys soon! Love you.” I smile as I end the call and shut my laptop. I shuffle down the stairs and find Oliver sitting at the table, food untouched. “Did you wait for me?”

“Yeah. I wanted to eat with you, so I waited. Now sit. I’m starving.” He points to my chair at the table, and I smile and sit down. We usually eat dinner as a family, so this doesn't surprise me, but since Mom and Dad are gone, I figured he would just eat and then go work out. The two of us eat silently, and when I’m almost done and about to tell Oliver I’ll do the dishes, he speaks. “Do you want to watch Taxi Driver with me?”

“Right now?” I ask him.

“No, in a few hours. I’m going to get a workout in first.” 

“Sure. Is it scary?” I hate scary movies. I always have. Oliver made me watch The Shining once when I was 14, and I didn't sleep for a week after we finished it. It was then I realized that I would not appreciate the art of horror movies as much as he does, or movies in general. Oliver has always been into them, just like our dad, and we even have a bunch of framed posters around our house of their favorites. 

“No.” He smirks at me, and I can tell he’s lying, but for once, I don't call him out on it. I missed spending time with him this summer, and since he asked me to watch it with him probably means that he missed me too. I did spend most of the summer with Grant, so I’m glad to have this time with my brother before we go back to school. Though going to school together has brought us closer, I’m thankful he still likes spending time with his little sister. 

“Fine. But as long as we get ice cream from the corner store before we watch it. Amelia has this theory that ice cream solves everything, and if I’m going to be scared to death tonight, I at least want ice cream.” I smile at him, and he nods at me.

“Fine. You’ve got a deal.” 

“I’ll do the dishes, and after you're done with whatever workout you're doing, we’ll head out.” I grab his plate from him and saunter over to the sink.

“Sounds good to me.” He says as he leaves the room, and I smile while placing the plates in the dishwasher. The past few months have been a whirlwind of emotions, new experiences, and love. I’m not used to all these feelings, but I’m trying my best not to second-guess all my decisions. It’s been difficult, don’t get me wrong, but having the people around me that I do helps tremendously. 

I used to think I wasn't capable or worthy of being loved. And now, so many people constantly prove me wrong when I feel that way. I often wonder why I was so scared in the first place to open back up, but it’s a scary thing to do, open yourself back up for love. But I should have known that I was worthy of it. Paige, Ella, and Amelia show me every day that I deserve it. Grant constantly shows me how it feels to be seen by another person truly, and truly loved, even if I throw cold stares at him or slap him with a ruler. He likes me just the way I am, and so do I.

I don't doubt that these people will be by my side forever.

Forever doesn't seem long enough sometimes, but it will have to do.

I’m the luckiest girl in the world.


October 7th, 2023

“Okay, everyone, shush! He just texted me that he’s on his way up!” I shout to my friends as I dim the lights. Today is Grant’s birthday, and I’ve been planning this surprise party for weeks. I know he’ll like it, but surprise parties are a lot of work, and Grant can usually tell when I’m keeping something from him. I’m just glad that today he will find out why I’ve been so weird lately. First, I told him that I couldn't go to his birthday dinner with Jacks and Claire because I wasn't feeling well, but then I also lied when I said all of our friends were too busy for a party.

Well, I technically didn't lie because they are all busy. Busy attending the secret party that Grant doesn't know about.

“Wait, are we saying surprise or happy birthday?” Paige asks me.

“I think we landed on saying surprise, P,” Ella tells her. 

“Everyone shush. He’s almost here!” I say to the room. Jacks, Claire and Grant, have just returned from dinner, and the rest of us, Paige, Ella, Brendan, Oliver, and Amelia, who is on Facetime linked through the TV. All of us are crammed into Grant and Jacks tiny on-campus apartment, which is currently decorated to the theme of The Great Gatsby because what else would it be?

“P, I don't know how you planned one of these for Oliver last year, but major props because it’s fucking difficult,” I say to her.

“It was a lot easier because Oliver never expects anything. Grant would celebrate his birthday every day if he could.” She smiles at me.

“Unlike most of us, Grant likes celebrating his birthday,” Ella mentions, and she’s right. Most of us girls hate celebrating our birthdays because it always feels strange to get older. 

“Yeah, and that's fucking weird.” Oliver snaps.

“Oliver, hush. I remember your 6th birthday being Jaws themed. You used to like celebrating.” I say to him.

“That was before he got turned into a statue by Medusa.” Amelia giggles through the TV.

“Hilarious. That’s hilarious.” My brother says in the most monotone voice. Typical of those two to keep their “feud” going even while Amelia is across the globe.

Jacks: We’re almost at the door.

Jacks: He’s getting his keys out.

“Okay! Everyone get ready. They’re here!” I whisper to the room, and everyone quiets down. Even Amelia turns her light off in her apartment, so it’s not obvious that she’s on the TV. 

“No, Claire, all I’m saying is that Leo said my accent was good, which means that I can legally speak in it when I’m over there and nobody–” He flicks the lights on.

“SURPRISE!” We all yell, and Grant’s face drops open, a huge smile lighting up his face.

“What?” He turns to Jacks and Claire. “You two were on distracting duty.” He points at them, and they both nod. “Very good job, old sport.” Grant slaps Jacks on the shoulder, and he rolls his eyes at him.

“He’s going to be doing that all night now,” Brendan says.

“Well, can you blame him?” Paige says. 

Grant locks eyes with me but addresses the room before coming over. “I just wanted to thank you all for being here to celebrate my birthday. It means a lot to have the people I love most here, including Amelia, who isn't physically here, but I love you guys, and you know what they say, a little party never killed nobody. Well, except Paige and Oliver because of–”

“Dammit, Grant, I was about to make that joke!” Amelia grumbles from the TV.

“Can you guys drop it? Seriously? It’s been an entire year.” Oliver snaps.

“I’m actually never shutting up about it, so deal with it.” Amelia giggles.

“Okay, as much as I love making fun of you two for that, it is my birthday. And we cannot let this decor go to waste. Someone turn on the song I mentioned so Ella and I can karaoke.” 

“I’m on it, G.” Ella smiles at him and goes to the karaoke machine she brought to cue it. Those two have gotten a lot closer, I think they developed a bond while they took me to my therapy appointments, and I love it. I love the way Grant has become friends with all the girls. They all have different little quirks as duos, which I find quite funny. He likes to gossip with Amelia, Ella and him will do karaoke and talk about One Tree Hill, and with Paige…honestly, those two are just two suns mashing together. I’m not really sure what they talk about besides making new shirts and shit for when they ship Ella or Amelia with someone. It’s their thing, apparently. But the fact that he cares enough about me to want to be friends with my friends makes my heart squeeze. He loves the book club and the way we girls love each other. He is technically an honorary member, but Paige doesn't think so since he didn't do the blood oath.

I don't remember doing a blood oath, and neither does Ella, so needless to say that we were all very confused when she mentioned that.

“So, old sport, you’re not feeling well, huh?” Grant smiles down at me and puts his hand on my forehead. “Actually, you are a bit warm.”

“Oh, am I?” 

“You are. I think it's terminal.” He puts his hand on his chest. “I’m really going to miss you.”

“Well, it was nice while it lasted. Diphtheria is a real bitch.”

“Hades, did you plan all this for little old me?” He smiles at me, already knowing the answer. 

“I did. Do you like it, Mr.Gatsby?” 

“Very much so, old sport.” He stops with the accent for a second, and his face lights up. “Does this mean I look like DiCaprio?”

“Not unless you break up with my sister when she turns 25,” Oliver says.

“He’s got a good point.”

“Well, that won't be happening, that I can promise you.” Grant leans down and presses his lips to mine. “Thank you for this. I love it.”

“You’re welcome.” I smile at him. “I love you.”

“I love you too.”

“Now, pardon me, but I must karaoke until my lungs give out.” 

“Yeah, I saw that coming from a mile away. Go ahead.” I smile at him while he walks toward Ella and grabs the mic she holds for him.

“This song is dedicated to my boy Fitzy, F. Scott Fitzgerald, and his wife, Zelda, because she was the icon behind some of the iconic lines from the book that we all know and love today.” He laughs into the mic. “Also, Hades. Thank you for the wonderful party, old sport.”

The song starts to play, and I feel a presence standing beside me. When I look over, it's Paige. “What’s up, P?”

“Did you tell Grant about my present yet?” Her smile is lighting up her whole face. 

“Paigey, you wouldn't even tell me what it is, so no. But I’m sure you can give it to him after he's done singing.”

“EEEE! Okay, great.”

“P, it’s not a bomb, is it?” Amelia asks from the TV, and I look over at Paige, whose eyes widen.

“WHAT? No…it’s not.” She tilts her head at us. “You guys know I don't just build bombs in my free time…right?”

“Well, it never hurts to double-check,” I tell her.

“Whatever you got, Grant, just make sure it won't make Oliver end up in jail again!” Amelia laughs through the screen, and I can't help but send a glare her way because Amelia never stops bringing this up.

“Ames, I will end the call! Don't make me do it!” Paige points at her, and Ames just keeps on laughing.

“Amelia, I will call a SWAT team to your apartment if you don't stop bringing that up.” Oliver glares at her.

“I’m sorry, it’s just too funny.” She smiles. “Like, you literally went to jail.” She’s still laughing. Amelia and Oliver have a complex relationship. I’m not sure what else to call it. They bicker with each other all the time, but deep down, very deep down, they somewhat like each other. 

“One of you guys went to jail?” Claire asks us.

“Claire! You’ve never heard this story?” Amelia practically jumps off of her couch.

“Um, no. Jacks and I tend to stay on the outside of things. You guys know this.” She smiles at us.

“That’s probably for the best, Claire.” I smile at her. She and I have become much closer since I started dating Grant. We’ve slowly become two friends dating best friends, and I like having her around. She’s not only one of the nicest people I’ve ever met, but she and I like to do many of the same things. We both enjoy museums and photography, and she even bought me a film camera for my birthday in January. Since the rest of the girls live their adult lives off-campus, she and I have been hanging out often. It’s also nice having someone to help me put the boys in their place; she does it flawlessly. 

“Claire, I’m going to tell you the funniest story ever. Okay, so…” Amelia’s voice trails off as I walk away from her telling that story again, leaving Paige and Oliver to deal with that. I find Jacks and Brendan sitting on the small couch in the common area, and I sit beside them. They are so focused on Grant and Ella singing that they jump when I do. 

“What?” I say.

“Nothing, you just scared me,” Brendan says, and I hear Jacks laugh. 

“You being scared of her reminds me of how scared Grant used to be of Amelia. It’s just funny.” Jacks says while shaking his head.

“To be fair, my brother was scared of Amelia at first, too. Now they just argue, and I’m unsure which I prefer more.” I smile at them. “Are you guys having fun?” I ask.

“Lots of fun. By the way, you guys owe me 10$. I knew Grant was going to call everyone old sport all night.” Jacks says to us. The three of us had a bet going about that. I thought he would go full Nick Carraway and tip his hat at everyone all night, but he went the other route instead. Brendan was the one who didn't think Grant would do anything, but he was wrong too. 

“Remind me to give it to you after the party,” I say to him, and he nods at me. A few seconds later, the song they were singing ends, and I have to admit that those two sound pretty good together. They started singing together in the car when they drove me to therapy, and now anytime we all get together, and karaoke is involved, they sing together. Those two have full-on concerts, singing everything from Wallows to The 1975, and Taylor Swift. Grant’s favorite song to belt in the car being Mr. Perfectly Fine (Taylors Version). It’s cute, even when he’s off-pitch, and Ella smacks him because he stole her part of the song. Grant is staring at me from where he stands, and I metaphorically pat myself on the back.

Seeing his smile lights up the whole room, and the pure, unfiltered happiness on his face is something I wouldn't trade for the world.


Besides the day that Hads confessed her love for me, this is the best day of my life. Not only is it the best birthday I’ve ever had, but the fact that all my favorite people are here right now, celebrating with me, makes it ten times better.

Oh, and my beautiful girlfriend planned the whole thing. 

And it’s themed after my favorite book that brought us together. I feel like some people get annoyed by how much I talk about this book, but I don't care. When I’m on my way over to where Hades sits, Paige intercepts me before I can get to her.

“Grant! First off, you sounded wonderful. You should audition for American Idol or something. Secondly, I need to give you my present before I explode! I know presents are happening later, but this one is special.”

“Paigey, it’s not a bomb, is it?” I ask her. One time she was showing me something on her computer, and another tab was open that said some pretty freaky stuff about the Unabomber, but when I asked her about it, she just laughed at me.

“Why does everyone keep asking me that? NO! I’m just excited about it!” She smiles at me while holding out a box with a yellow bow stuck on top of it. I take it from her and unwrap it, when I feel Hads, and Oliver slide up next to us. I press a kiss to my girlfriend's head before I open the box and see one of the best things I have ever laid my eyes on. 

“Oh my God, Paigey, is this…”

“YES!!! IT IS!!” She squeals. Oh my God!

“It’s just a shirt,” Oliver points out.

“I’m confused,” Hads says, still not seeing what it says on the back of it. I don't even have to look because I know what it says just by the design pattern.

“No, Oliver. It’s not just a shirt. It’s THE shirt.” I hold it up, and it takes him a few seconds to understand what it says.

“Paigey, you have outdone yourself. I’m never going to take this off.” It may look like a simple green shirt with a decal, but no. It’s a green shirt that says #TeamGatsbyCarraway on the back. Paige and I have this thing where we make shirts when we ship two people together. We’ve done it for our friends, but I never considered making a shirt for Gatbsy and Nick. I wrap Paige in a hug because this is one of the best presents I’ve ever received.

“I thought you were trying to stop his obsession,” Oliver says to his sister.

“I was, but it makes him happy, so I decided to steer into the skid.” I hear her sigh next to me. “You did good, P. Now he can add this to his shrine.”

“Thank you, thank you. I love giving gifts! This is so fun!” Paige’s love language is giving gifts, and I feel very lucky to call her, Ella, and Amelia my friends.

Family seems more accurate. We have slowly molded together over the years, and I never knew I could find a core group like this that would stick together through everything. I’ve always had friends, but I could never have imagined this when I came to Grand Mountain. Even though mostly everyone has graduated, we all still make time for the big moments. 

For yet another moment of my life, I know that these people would be there for me to pick me up, even when I feel like a failure. If there is one thing I learned these past years, it’s that sometimes you have to fail to get where you want to be. 

“Thank you, Paigey. I will cherish this forever.” I say to her.

“Of course, Grant. Happy freaking birthday, buddy.” She smiles at me, and I excuse myself to grab a gin rickey, Gatsby’s drink of choice. When I’m finished pouring, I look at all my favorite people, smiling and laughing while music plays in the background.

“Ella, can you please turn down the music for a moment?” I ask her, and she does. “Thank you.”

“Anything for you, birthday boy.” She smiles at me.

“What’s going on, Grant? Are you pregnant?” Brendan asks me, and I laugh at him.

“No. I just wanted to say a few words.” I pause before speaking again. “It’s been a long and crazy four years being here with all of you. I came to Grand Mountain from Vermont as a kid just wanting to outrun himself and all his fears. But now I realize that this little town gave me something so much better than that. It gave me all of you. It picked me up when I was down about myself and helped me realize that no matter how scared I am of failing, the people around me picking me back up are all I need to succeed. You guys mean the world to me, and the future looks bright. Hads, I can't wait to spend life with you if you let me, and to the rest of you, thank you for being who you are.”

“Happy birthday, Grant,” Oliver says while raising his glass.

“Happy birthday!” Everyone else exclaims as they all raise theirs and clink their glasses together. Hads approaches where I stand and clinks her champagne glass with mine.

“Happy birthday, boyfriend.” 

“Thank you, girlfriend.” I smile as I wrap her in my arms and feel her smile against my chest.

Best birthday ever.

We all laugh and dance in true Gatsby fashion for the rest of the night since it’s a Saturday and nobody has work tomorrow. I bet I’ll have to pull the air mattresses out for everyone who doesn't live on campus, but that’s fine by me. After all, it would be a true Gatsby party unless we were up all night and severely regretting all of our decisions in the morning. When the clock hits 12:01, Hads looks over at me.

“It’s not your birthday anymore. How do you feel?”

“Like the luckiest guy in the world because I get to be loved by you every single day. How do you feel?” 

“Like I love spending my days with you.”

“I love how soft you’ve gotten. If you from a year ago heard that, you would cringe.” 

“Grant, I’m not soft. Do you need me to get the ruler out again?”

“No! Nope. Forget I said anything.”

She laughs against my chest, and I wish I could bottle this day up and put it in a snow globe because I never want to forget it. But that’s the thing about these special moments. You never really value them until they become a memory.

Luckily, I can replay this one anytime and feel exactly how I do now because even the memories with Hads are as sweet as living them.

I can't wait to spend the rest of my birthdays with her and the rest of our friends.

Hads is like the most beautiful piece of art in a museum that I never want to stop looking at. I’ll love that girl for the rest of my goddamned life.

No questions asked.


Senior Year

I fumble with my keys as I try to open the door to my apartment. “Grant, hurry up.” Hads is shoved against my door as she hurries me to get us into a private space.

“Hades, I’m trying, but God, you're distracting me right now.” I just played the last game of my college career, and what does this girl do?

She shows up in my jersey. Just my jersey. No skirt or anything underneath. She’s wearing my jersey like a goddamn dress, with nothing underneath. And she texted me that right before I went out on the ice too…I swear I almost said fuck it and skipped the game just so I could bury myself inside of her.

I finally get the key inside, and the minute the door closes, I grab Hades and shove her against it. I know that Jacks is spending the night with Claire at her place, so we’ll be alone all night.

I can't wait to have my way with her all fucking night. My girl needs a punishment for that stunt she pulled tonight.


“I know, baby girl.” The two of us breathe heavily as we stand pressed against the door. “Tell me, Hades. Did you wear this just to rile me up? Because if that was the case, it worked. I had to play the game with a hard-on.”

“Good.” She smiles, teasing the fuck out of me, and I have to take a few steps back to calm myself. I grab a water bottle out of the fridge before I lean against the counter. Hads is against the door, but she starts to move toward me.

“Stay there,” I say in a low voice, and she complies. Such a good girl she is. I assumed she’d fight me like she often does, but I also like seeing her submit to me sometimes. It feels fucking amazing when she listens to me. I take a few sips of water before setting it down. “Strip.”

Her cheeks flush, and I see her start to pull off my jersey. She gets rid of that, and all she’s left wearing is a matching bra and underwear set—it’s red and driving me insane—along with knee-high socks and platform heels. She reaches down to take her heels off, but I speak again. “Those stay on, Hades.”

“Whatever you say, pretty boy.” 

Fuck. “Bra and underwear off. Now.” She fumbles to get those off, and as they fall to the ground, my mouth starts to water. God, she’s fucking perfect. I can tell she’s itching to move, to do something other than just stand by the door, but I’m going to make her wait a bit longer. She’s the one who made me play an entire game while thinking about this. “Hades, you drove me crazy sending me that message earlier.”

She shivers where she stands. “That was the idea. Now—”

“Don't fucking move.” Our gazes meet between us. “Get down on those knees like a good girl, and crawl to me. Show me how much you want me, Hades.”

“Grant, you should know how much—”

“Crawl, Hads. Now.”

Her cheeks flush, and I see her nipples pebble before she slowly sinks to her hands and knees and does what I ask. God, with those heels on…

My girl is a fucking dream come to life.

After only a few seconds, I can't take the distance anymore, so I reach her in two strides, lift her up, and bring her over to the counter. I lay her down before I leave her there as I go to my room to grab a condom and something else. “Touch yourself while I’m gone,” I whisper in her ear. “Get that pretty pussy ready for me, baby.”

I see her nod at me as her hand slips down, and she starts lightly moaning as I get into my room. I grab one and shove it into my pocket, and when I get back to the counter, I take in my beautiful girlfriend. She’s stretched and writhing on the counter, only in knee-high socks and platform fucking heels. God, she looks like a piece of art in one of the museums she loves so much. “Fuck, just like that, baby. You’re dripping all over the counter already.”
“Grant, I need you.” She moans as she slips another finger inside of herself. 

“I know you can take another one, baby. Come on,” I motivate her. 

She slips a third one in and increases the speed. I watch her for a few seconds as her breathing picks up and her legs start to shake. Before she can come, I grab her hand and pull her fingers out. “I didn't say you could come yet.”

“Fuck. You.” She can pretend that she hates me all she wants, but we both know that she loves when I edge her on like this. 

“You will soon, baby. I promise.” I grab both of her wrists in one of my hands and slip them through the tie that I use for occasions like this. I tighten it so that she won't be able to get her wrists out. “You’re not allowed to touch me tonight. Got it?”

She nods at me. “Hades, use your words, baby. I know you know how.”

“No touching. I understand.” 

“Good. Now try not to move too much.” I sink down on my knees and press my tongue to her pussy. God, she tastes fucking amazing. “Fuck, Hades. If I could die between these thighs, I would.”

“Grant, please.” Her arms are straining against the tie that’s around her wrists. I did that on purpose. She loves grabbing my hair while I go down on her, and now she can’t. I hope it's driving her as insane as I felt earlier. I drive my tongue into her, and as I feel her thighs clench up on me again, I stop.

I stand up and loom over her on the counter. I untie her wrists and pull her into my arms as I carry her to my bedroom. Well, let’s face it, our bedroom. She spends more time over here with me than at her own place lately.

I fucking love it. I can't get enough of her—her being in my arms, waking up next to her, hearing her moan my name as she comes apart around my dick. She’s consumed me, and I’m fucking obsessed. 

I set her down gently on the bed, and she just looks up at me, all doe-eyed. The makeup she was wearing is slightly smeared on her face, and I can't help but want to smear it more. I’m still fully clothed, so I rip my shirt off and drop my sweats to the ground. My dick springs out, full and ready and already dripping with pre-cum. “Open that mouth for me, baby.”

She complies, and then she licks the pre-cum off the tip, and just at that little contact, I groan. Her mouth wraps around my dick, and warmth envelops my cock. Fuuuuuck. The sound of her sucking me off, mixed with the sight of her on her knees in front of me, sends me over the edge a little bit. She has the perfect combination of sucking and licking. It’s taking everything in me not to blow down her throat right now. 

“Fuck, Hads. Just like that.” She groans as she takes me further into my mouth, and my legs feel like they might give out. “Touch yourself. Show me how much you love taking my cock in your mouth.”

She complies like the good girl she is, and after a few seconds more, I’ve had enough. I need to be inside of her. “Get on the bed, Hades. On all fours.”

She jerks my dick off one more time with her hand before she gets up and gets on my bed. I slap her ass once for good measure as she raises it up in the air for me. I grab the condom from my pants on the floor and rip it open with my teeth. I roll it down my dick before I sink deep inside of her in one thrust. So fucking wet for me.

“Grant!” She moans as I continue thrusting. The only sounds being heard are our two bodies slapping together.

“Fuck, baby. Your tight pussy feels so good wrapped around my dick.” I grumble.

“Oh my,” She moans as I see her hand slip down to touch her clit. 

“That’s it. Touch yourself while I fuck you. Show me how good it makes you feel.” I smack her ass again, lightly of course, and I feel her pussy clench around my dick. “Are you gonna come for me, baby?”

“Yes, fuck. Can I come, baby?” 

“Come for me, Hads, and you better scream my name while you do.” That’s all it takes to send her over the edge as she explodes. Her pussy clenching then sends me over the edge, and I come while she rides her orgasm out.


“Fuck, Hadleigh.” I moan as my orgasm subsides. I give myself a few seconds before I pull out of her, go to the bathroom to toss the condom, and grab a washcloth. I take it and clean her up as I see her eyes start to flutter. My girl always gets tired after we have sex, and she looks so cute after she’s been properly fucked. “Are you okay, baby?”

She nods as she gets comfortable on my bed, pulling the blankets up and over her body, her heels now tossed to the floor. She’s only in those fucking socks now. God, she’s so perfect. 

Somedays, I can't believe that I'm hers. I can't believe that we’re here—the end of our time at Grand Mountain and headed off into the real world in a few months. These past two years with Hads have been some of the best and craziest of my life.

But, God, there's nobody else I would've wanted to do it with.

And there’s no brighter future for me than the one with her curled up at my side every night while we fall asleep.

I’m the luckiest guy in the whole fucking world. “I love you so much, baby,” I whisper to her as I press a kiss to her head.

“I love you too.”