Replaying the Game Content Warnings:

This book references the loss of a parent (off-book) and sexual touching without consent (not graphic but could still be triggering for some, especially some words used.)

Reconsidering the Facts Content Warnings:

While this story is mainly a romance, it also deals with topics such as childhood trauma, childhood abuse and neglect, suicidal thoughts, PTSD/nightmares, and panic attacks. There are also mentions of a fatal car accident off the page due to drunk driving.

The Road Not Taken Content Warnings:

This book deals with suicide (not on the page), talks of suicide, death of a family member, grief, neglectful parents, mentions of stalking, sexually explicit content, and struggles while grieving.

The Road Less Traveled By Content Warnings:

This book features on-page descriptions of sexual assault, sexual touching, and language during these situations which could be triggering for some. There are also undertones of depression, depressive thoughts, minor suicidal thoughts, and stalking. Bree is actively stalked throughout this book and taunted by her stalker. Some notes left could be triggering.